Welcome to Needlepoint Farm where our motto:
"Sewing Horses and People Together... One Stitch at a Time"
This is our mission statement: To help strengthen, secure and teach future generations to preserve the horse industry, one person at a time.
Thank you for visiting our website and learning about our services. We at Needlepoint Farm have a wide variety of services to help fill our clients needs. From consulting, advertising, photography and product sales we help bring a plan of action together for the horse related company/individual that wants the professional image they deserve in the horse industry or wants to save time and money by learning about the inn's and out's our horse world.
By being a current member of the following organizations this helps us keep in touch with what is happening in the horse industry at a national, state and local level.
We provide the following services for:
Participation with:
 B.S. Agricultural Science 1988